Project Carpool

Friday, November 04, 2005

Project Carpool is now worldwide!

Seeing as how little enthusiasm the initial Project MumbaiCar generated in Mumbai, I feel that the server at can safely take this new development.

In an effort to delegate most of the work to users (such as they aren't :-), users can now add their own cities and landmarks. This means that the carpooler can be anywhere in the world. Project MumbaiCar is therefore, officially dead, and we're looking for a cool new name for the....thing (anything's got to be cooler than Project Carpool, right?)
Users also now have the right to add landmarks (as opposed to custom locations), thus allowing them to map their city in ways that they see fit.

New cities are added using a really cool, free international geocode database provided by the folks at ZeeSource.

There is still much work to be done. Here's a list of features that are topmost in my mind:
a) Messaging between users.
b) Trust establishment - I'm waiting for Orkut to release an API, or for any of the social-networking sites to change their terms of service to allow bots to scrape their pages, so this feature will have to wait until then. I'm not too keen on re-implementing the social networking features to have them on this site, but if anyone else wants to pitch in, hop aboard!